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Send me a 📸 photo every time you eat. I'll monitor your diet.

You can also just write what you ate. I will estimate the calories, macros and ingredients to help you track your diet.

📸 Send me pics of your food or drinks

I'll use AI to estimate calories, macros (protein, fat, carbs) and the most likely ingredients.

You can reply and correct me if it seems wrong.

📸 Send me pics of your food or drinks

🎯 Hit your daily calorie or macro goals

I can help you track calories or macros (grams and percentages) or even both.

Tell me your exact goal like "2000 calories".

Or just write what you want to achieve like "I'm 30, 180cm, 90kg and I want to lose weight" and I'll figure it out for you.

I can help you track calories or macros (grams and percentages)

✏️ Or just write what you had

If you forgot to take a pic, just tell me what you had like "burger and fries" or "latte" and I'll guess based on typical ingredients and portion size.

✏️ Or just write what you had

📊 Check your stats

See your daily, weekly and monthly totals. I'll even make a chart of your macro percentages.

See if you're 🟢 hitting or 🔴 missing your daily goals.

📊 Check your stats
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