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Glazed Curd Bar Recipe

Indulge in the sweet and creamy delight of the Glazed Curd Bar - a treat that combines the tanginess of curd cheese with the rich, smooth indulgence of chocolate glaze. Perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth while providing a moderate amount of protein, this delectable snack is quite simple to make at home. Blending together curd cheese, sugar, a sumptuous chocolate glaze, and a touch of butter or vegetable fat, the mixture is then cooled and enveloped in a silky layer of chocolate to create a bar that's both refreshing and indulgent. With the option to customize the flavor using vanilla or other agents, each bite promises to be a delightful experience.

Glazed Curd Bar

🌎 International: Dessert

🥗 Ingredients:

  • curd cheese (40g)
  • sugar (15g)
  • chocolate glaze (cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter) (7.5g)
  • butter or vegetable fat (7.5g)
  • milk powder (3g)

🍳 How to cook (6 servings):

Cooking Time: 0 minutes - chilling time requiredPreperation Time: 20 minutes

Preparing the Curd Mixture

Begin by mixing together the curd cheese and sugar in a bowl until well combined. If using, add milk powder and your choice of flavoring agent such as vanilla, mixing thoroughly. Melt the butter or vegetable fat in a separate container, then incorporate it into the curd mixture, ensuring a smooth, cohesive blend.

Shaping and Freezing

Once the mixture is uniform, shape it into bars on a tray lined with parchment paper. Place the tray in the freezer and allow the bars to set, typically for about 1-2 hours or until firm.

Adding the Chocolate Glaze

Prepare the chocolate glaze by melting chocolate (cocoa mass, cocoa butter, and sugar) either in a microwave or over a double boiler. Once the curd bars are set, dip them individually into the melted chocolate, ensuring a thorough coating. Place them back on the parchment paper and let them chill in the refrigerator until the glaze hardens, about 30 minutes.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This Glazed Curd Bar offers a nutritious snack with a good balance of macros. It contains a moderate amount of protein to support muscle repair and growth, while also providing energy through its carbs and healthy fats. The use of curd cheese adds a digestive benefit, making it a relatively guilt-free indulgence for those mindful of their protein intake.

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