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Oatmeal, Buttered Toast, And Coffee Recipe

Starting your day with a balanced breakfast can set a positive tone for the rest of the day. The combination of oatmeal, buttered toast, and coffee is a classic example of a simple yet satisfying breakfast option. This meal offers a harmonious blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, making it an excellent choice to fuel your morning activities.

Oatmeal, Buttered Toast, and Coffee

🌎 International: Breakfast

🥗 Ingredients:

  • oats (50g)
  • water or milk (0g)
  • bread (1 slice) (0g)
  • butter (14g)
  • coffee (0g)
  • milk or cream (0g)

🍳 How to cook (1 serving):

Cooking Time: 10 minutesPreperation Time: 10 minutes

Prepare Oatmeal

1. Measure out 40-50 grams of oats. 2. Cook the oats in water or milk according to the package instructions until they reach your desired consistency.

Toast Bread and Apply Butter

1. Toast a slice of bread to your desired level of crunchiness. 2. While still warm, spread approximately 14 grams of butter on the toast.

Brew and Prepare Coffee

1. Brew a cup of coffee using your preferred method. 2. Optionally, add milk or cream to taste.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This meal is a good source of carbohydrates from the oatmeal and toast, which provide the energy needed to start the day. The protein content, while not exceptionally high, is present in moderate amounts from the oatmeal and possibly the milk in coffee, supporting muscle maintenance and repair. The included fats, predominantly from the butter and cream in coffee, are beneficial for sustaining energy levels throughout the morning. Although this meal offers a decent nutritional profile, individuals may need to supplement their diet with other meals throughout the day to meet their total nutritional needs.

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