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Scrambled Eggs With Vegetables And Buckwheat Recipe

This dish, consisting of fluffy scrambled eggs mixed with vibrant vegetables and served alongside hearty buckwheat, is a nutrition-packed meal that combines the simplicity of breakfast with the wholesomeness of a hearty lunch or dinner. With a harmonious blend of proteins, carbs, and fats, it caters to those looking for a balanced meal that doesn't compromise on flavor. Each component of the dish brings its own nutritional profile and benefits, making it a versatile choice for various dietary needs.

Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables and Buckwheat

🌎 Global: Main Course

🥗 Ingredients:

  • eggs (100g)
  • buckwheat (150g)
  • chicken breast (75g)
  • bell peppers (50g)
  • broccoli (30g)
  • tomato (50g)
  • cooking oil (10g)

🍳 How to cook (1 serving):

Cooking Time: 30 minutesPreperation Time: 15 minutes

Preparation of Buckwheat

Start by rinsing the buckwheat thoroughly under cold water. Bring a pot of water to a boil and add the buckwheat. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for about 10-15 minutes, or until tender. Drain any excess water and set aside to cool.

Cooking the Vegetables and Chicken

While the buckwheat is cooking, heat a pan over medium heat and add a splash of cooking oil. Add the diced chicken breast and cook until fully done. Add the chopped bell peppers, broccoli, and tomato to the pan. Cook until the vegetables are just softened, but still retain a slight crunch. Season with salt, pepper, and herbs to taste.

Making the Scrambled Eggs

In a separate pan, crack two large eggs and lightly whisk them with a fork. Heat the pan over medium heat and add a bit of cooking oil. Pour in the eggs and let them sit, undisturbed, for a few moments before gently stirring to create soft, fluffy curds. Combine the scrambled eggs with the previously cooked vegetables and chicken.


Serve the scrambled eggs and vegetable mix on a plate with a side of cooked buckwheat. Enjoy a fulfilling meal that's perfectly balanced in nutrients and flavors.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This meal is a powerhouse of protein, essential for muscle repair and growth, thanks to the eggs and chicken breast. The buckwheat adds a generous dose of fiber, aiding in digestion, while the vegetables contribute essential vitamins and minerals. The controlled amount of cooking oil and lean protein sources keep the fat content in check, making this dish an excellent option for those keeping an eye on their fat intake.

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