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Cheese Toaster Recipe

A classic Cheese Toaster, also known as a grilled cheese sandwich, is a quick and delicious meal that is loved by many. Perfect for a quick lunch or a light dinner, this dish is simple yet satisfying with the delicious combination of gooey melted cheese encased in crispy, buttery bread.

Cheese Toaster

🌎 American: Sandwich

🥗 Ingredients:

  • bread (60g)
  • cheese (40g)
  • butter (10g)

🍳 How to cook (1 serving):

Cooking Time: 5-6 minutesPreperation Time: 5 minutes


- 2 slices of bread - 2 tablespoons of butter - 2 slices of your favorite cheese (e.g., cheddar, mozzarella, or Swiss)


1. Preheat a skillet or griddle over medium heat. 2. Spread butter evenly on one side of each bread slice. 3. Place one slice of bread, butter side down, onto the skillet. 4. Lay the cheese slices on top of the bread in the skillet. 5. Cover with the second slice of bread, butter side up. 6. Cook until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted, about 2-3 minutes per side. 7. Remove from the skillet, let it cool slightly, then slice and serve.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

A Cheese Toaster is a good source of calcium and protein, primarily from the cheese. Depending on the type of cheese and bread used, it can also provide varying amounts of carbohydrates and fats. To make it healthier, opt for whole grain bread and low-fat cheese.

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