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Scrambled Eggs With Greens And Stewed Meat On Grains Recipe

This dish combines the simplicity and comfort of home cooking with a balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. By featuring scrambled eggs with fresh greens like scallions or chives, alongside a hearty portion of cooked grains such as brown rice, buckwheat, or similar grains, and complemented with stewed meat—possibly beef or pork—this meal offers a diverse palate of textures and flavors. It’s a versatile dish that can cater to a variety of dietary needs and preferences while providing a satisfying and nutritious option for any meal of the day.

Scrambled Eggs with Greens and Stewed Meat on Grains

🌎 Fusion: Main Dish

🥗 Ingredients:

  • eggs (125g)
  • scallions or chives (15g)
  • cooked brown rice or grains (175g)
  • stewed beef or pork (125g)
  • cooking oil (10g)
  • seasonings (5g)

🍳 How to cook (2 servings):

Cooking Time: 1 hourPreperation Time: 20 minutes

Preparing the Grains

Start by cooking your choice of grains according to package instructions. Opt for whole grains like brown rice or buckwheat for a healthier option and a better source of fiber.

Cooking the Scrambled Eggs

Whisk 2-3 large eggs in a bowl. Heat a small amount of cooking oil in a pan over medium heat, then pour in the eggs. Cook while gently stirring, and when the eggs are about halfway done, mix in the chopped scallions or chives. Continue cooking until the eggs are fully scrambled but still moist. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Preparing the Stewed Meat

Stew your choice of beef or pork until tender. You can use a slow cooker or a stovetop method with your preferred seasoning. For a healthier option, opt for lean cuts of meat and trim any excess fat before cooking.

Assembling the Dish

Combine the cooked grains with the scrambled eggs, then top with the stewed meat. Adjust seasonings as necessary. Serve hot.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This meal is rich in protein from the eggs and meat, providing a substantial boost that supports muscle repair and growth. The grains add fiber and essential nutrients, contributing to a feeling of fullness and steady energy release. The green additions, such as scallions or chives, not only add fresh flavors but also contain vitamins and minerals important for overall health.

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