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Sushi Rolls Recipe

Sushi Rolls are a traditional Japanese dish that has become popular worldwide. They are made by combining vinegared rice with a variety of fillings such as vegetables, seafood, and sometimes even fruits. The rolls are often wrapped in seaweed and then sliced into bite-sized pieces. Sushi Rolls are not only delicious but also visually appealing, making them a great choice for meals or as a party dish.

Sushi Rolls

🌎 Japanese: Main Course

🥗 Ingredients:

  • sushi rice (100g)
  • seaweed (5g)
  • fish (e.g., salmon, tuna) (50g)
  • cream cheese (20g)
  • avocado (30g)
  • pickled ginger (10g)
  • soy sauce (10g)
  • wasabi (5g)
  • cheese (15g)

🍳 How to cook (4 servings):

Cooking Time: 20 minsPreperation Time: 30 mins

Prepare Sushi Rice

Rinse 2 cups of sushi rice under cold water until the water runs clear. Cook the rice with 2.5 cups of water in a rice cooker. Once cooked, let it cool slightly and then mix it with 1/3 cup of rice vinegar, 3 tablespoons of sugar, and 1 tablespoon of salt. Stir until the seasoning is well distributed.

Prepare Fillings

While the rice is cooling, prepare your fillings. Common options include cucumber strips, avocado slices, and fresh fish like salmon or tuna. Cooked crab meat, shrimp, or tofu can also be used. Ensure all fillings are cut into thin, long strips.

Lay Out Nori Sheets

Place a sheet of nori (seaweed) on a bamboo sushi mat, shiny side down. With wet hands, spread a thin layer of the seasoned sushi rice over the nori sheet, leaving about 1 inch at the top edge free of rice.

Add Fillings

Layer your chosen fillings atop the rice. Be careful not to overfill. A typical roll might include a strip of cucumber, a strip of avocado, and a strip of fish or another protein.

Roll the Sushi

Using the bamboo mat, start rolling the nori and rice over the fillings, pressing tightly. Roll until you reach the end. Use a little water to moisten the bare edge of the nori and seal the roll.

Slice the Sushi Roll

With a sharp knife, cut the sushi roll into bite-sized pieces. Clean the knife with a damp cloth between cuts to ensure clean slices.


Arrange the sliced sushi rolls on a plate. Serve with soy sauce, pickled ginger, and wasabi.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

Sushi Rolls are generally low in fat and can be a good source of protein, especially if made with fish. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals from the various fillings and nori.

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