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Potato, Cucumber, And Mackerel Salad Recipe

This dish, although unnamed, presents a harmonious blend of boiled potatoes, fresh cucumber slices, and mackerel, which could be either pickled or poached according to preference. Its simplicity does not detract from its nutritional value or its capacity to satisfy. The combination is a testament to the beauty of using minimal ingredients to create a meal that is both fulfilling and nutritious.

Potato, Cucumber, and Mackerel Salad

🌎 International: Main Dish

🥗 Ingredients:

  • potatoes (200g)
  • cucumber (100g)
  • mackerel (150g)
  • dill (5g)

🍳 How to cook (2 servings):

Cooking Time: 30 minutesPreperation Time: 15 minutes

Boiling the Potatoes

1. Start by washing the potatoes thoroughly under running water. 2. In a medium pot, bring water to a boil. Add a pinch of salt if desired. 3. Carefully add the potatoes and let them cook until they are tender, which usually takes about 15-20 minutes depending on their size. 4. Once cooked, drain the potatoes and let them cool for a few minutes before handling.

Preparing the Cucumber

1. Wash the cucumber under cold water. 2. Using a sharp knife, slice the cucumber into thin rounds. For an added touch, you can peel strips of skin off the cucumber for a striped effect before slicing.

Preparing the Mackerel

If using pickled mackerel: 1. Take the mackerel out of the pickling solution and let it drain. 2. Optionally, you can slice or leave the mackerel in portions as desired. If using poached mackerel: 1. Fill a pot with enough water to cover the mackerel and bring to a simmer. 2. Add the mackerel and some dill for flavoring. Let it poach for about 10 minutes or until it's fully cooked. 3. Remove the mackerel from the water and let it cool down a bit before serving.

Assembling the Dish

1. Arrange the boiled potatoes and cucumber slices on a plate. 2. Place the mackerel on top of the vegetables. 3. Garnish with dill for an additional layer of flavor. 4. This dish can be served either warm or cold, according to your preference.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This dish is a good source of protein, courtesy of the mackerel, while also offering a balanced mix of carbohydrates from the potatoes and fats. It's relatively low in calories, making it a suitable option for those monitoring their intake. The fresh cucumber adds a hydrating and refreshing element, providing additional vitamins and minerals.

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