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Smoked Salmon Open-faced Sandwich With A Side Of Scrambled Eggs And Cucumber Slices Recipe

This flavorful and nutritious Smoked Salmon Open-Faced Sandwich comes paired with a delicious side of scrambled eggs and fresh cucumber slices, offering a balanced meal that's perfect for a hearty breakfast or a light lunch. Crafted with wholesome ingredients including whole grain bread, smoked salmon, crisp lettuce, fluffy scrambled eggs, and cooling cucumber slices, this dish is a delightful blend of textures and tastes. With a touch of cream cheese to enrich the open-faced sandwich and a minimal use of butter or oil for the eggs, it's a health-conscious choice that doesn't sacrifice flavor.

Smoked Salmon Open-Faced Sandwich with a Side of Scrambled Eggs and Cucumber Slices

🌎 American: Sandwich

πŸ₯— Ingredients:

  • whole grain bread (40g)
  • smoked salmon (50g)
  • lettuce (20g)
  • eggs (100g)
  • cucumber (100g)
  • butter or oil for cooking eggs (5g)
  • cream cheese (15g)

🍳 How to cook (1 serving):

Cooking Time: 10 minutesPreperation Time: 15 minutes

Preparing the Open-Faced Sandwich

1. Spread a light layer of cream cheese on one slice of whole grain bread. 2. Place a layer of lettuce on top of the cream cheese. 3. Add the smoked salmon on top of the lettuce, evenly distributing it across the bread.

Making the Scrambled Eggs

1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste. 2. Heat a small amount of butter or oil in a skillet over medium heat. 3. Add the eggs to the skillet, stirring gently until they are just set but still soft. 4. Remove from heat and serve immediately.

Preparing the Cucumber Slices

1. Wash and slice the cucumber into thin rounds. 2. Arrange the cucumber slices on the plate as a refreshing side.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This dish is a great source of protein, thanks to the eggs and smoked salmon, and includes healthy fats from the salmon and a minimal use of butter or oil. The whole grain bread and cucumber offer a nice dose of fiber, while the overall meal is designed to be around 500 kcal with a balanced macro split of approximately 30 grams of protein, 35 grams of carbs, and 25 grams of fat.

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