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Fried Pastries (empanadas/turnovers) Recipe

Today's featured dish is a delightful array of golden-brown fried pastries, resembling the popular empanadas or turnovers. This savory treat, showcasing a crispy exterior that's indicative of a meticulously fried process, offers a tantalizing glimpse into a world of diverse fillings and flavors. While the specific ingredients within remain a mystery, these pastries likely harbor a symphony of tastes ranging from rich meats to creamy cheeses, and vibrant vegetables—all encased in a tender, flaky dough.

Fried Pastries (Empanadas/Turnovers)

🌎 International: Appetizer

🥗 Ingredients:

  • flour (50g)
  • water (20g)
  • fat (butter/lard) (15g)
  • meat (beef/chicken/pork) (30g)
  • cheese (20g)
  • vegetables (potatoes/onions/peppers) (30g)
  • seasonings (salt/pepper/paprika/herbs) (5g)

🍳 How to cook (12 servings):

Cooking Time: 30 minutesPreperation Time: 1.5 hours

Dough Preparation

Begin by combining flour, water, fat (such as butter or lard), and a pinch of salt in a large mixing bowl. Knead the mixture until a smooth, pliable dough forms. Allow the dough to rest for at least 30 minutes before proceeding to the rolling and shaping phase.

Filling Creation

While the dough rests, prepare your filling of choice. Common options include minced meats (beef, chicken, or pork), shredded cheeses, diced vegetables (potatoes, onions, peppers), and various seasonings tailored to your preference. Cook the chosen ingredients together, adjusting seasonings to taste.

Assembling and Frying

Roll out the rested dough into thin sheets. Cut into circles or squares, depending on your preference, and spoon the filling onto each piece. Seal the edges to create your pastries, ensuring they are well closed to prevent the filling from leaking during frying. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat, and fry the pastries until golden-brown on all sides. Drain on paper towels to remove excess oil.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

These fried pastries are a source of carbohydrates and fats, providing energy and satiety. The specific nutritional content can vary greatly depending on the filling used, with potential for protein contributions from meat or cheese fillings. However, due to the frying process, these pastries could be higher in fat.

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