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Grilled Chicken Breast Recipe

The image displays a singular, uncooked chicken breast, serving as a versatile base ingredient for a myriad of culinary applications. Once cooked, this raw chicken breast can be transformed into an array of dishes, each differing based on the method of preparation and accompanying ingredients. Popular dish options could include a succulent grilled chicken breast, a refreshing chicken salad, or a savory chicken stir-fry.

Grilled Chicken Breast

🌎 Various: Protein

🥗 Ingredients:

  • chicken breast (172g)

🍳 How to cook (1 serving):

Cooking Time: VariesPreperation Time: 30 minutes

Basic Preparation for Chicken Breast

1. Start by thoroughly washing the chicken breast under cold running water. Pat dry with paper towels. 2. To marinate, place the chicken breast in a bowl and coat with your choice of marinade or seasoning. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator. 3. Preheat your cooking appliance (such as a grill, oven, or skillet) to a medium-high heat. Prepare it with a light coating of oil to prevent sticking. 4. Cook the marinated chicken breast until it's thoroughly done, with no pink remaining in the center, and juices run clear. Cooking times may vary based on the method: about 6-8 minutes per side on the grill, 20-25 minutes in the oven at 400°F (200°C), or 7-8 minutes per side in a skillet. 5. Let the chicken breast rest for a few minutes before cutting into it to help retain its juices.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

A raw chicken breast weighing approximately 172 grams contains around 284 calories, with a notable high protein content of approximately 53 grams, minimal fat at about 6 grams, and virtually no carbohydrates. These nutritional properties make it an excellent choice for those focusing on a high-protein diet, aiming for muscle gain or weight maintenance.

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