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Лаваш З Сиром Філадельфія Лайт, Помідором Чері Та Руколою Recipe

This delightful dish transforms the traditional chicken sandwich by incorporating a light and flavorful twist. Say goodbye to the usual bread and embrace lavish lavash, paired perfectly with light Philadelphia cheese, succulent cherry tomatoes, and fresh arugula. This upgraded version aims not only to tantalize your taste buds but also to provide a healthier, lighter alternative.

Лаваш з сиром Філадельфія лайт, помідором Чері та руколою

🌎 n/a: Sandwich

🥗 Ingredients:

  • лаваш (50g)
  • сир філадельфія лайт (30g)
  • помідори чері (20g)
  • рукола (10g)

🍳 How to cook (1 serving):

Cooking Time: 0 minutesPreperation Time: 10 minutes

Preparation of Ingredients

1. Start by slicing the cherry tomatoes and washing the arugula. Set aside. 2. Take the cooked chicken breast and slice it thinly or shred it, based on your preference.


1. Lay out a piece of lavash flat on your workspace. 2. Spread a thin layer of light Philadelphia cheese evenly over the surface. 3. Place the slices of chicken breast on top of the cheese layer. 4. Add sliced cherry tomatoes and a handful of arugula on top of the chicken. 5. Carefully roll the lavash, ensuring the fillings remain inside. Slice the roll into smaller pieces if desired.


Serve immediately for the freshest taste, or wrap it up for a delicious, on-the-go meal option.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This version of the chicken sandwich is not only flavorful but also healthier, offering a good balance of protein and carbs while keeping the fat content relatively low. The inclusion of fresh vegetables like cherry tomatoes and arugula adds a burst of vitamins and antioxidants.

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