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Scrambled Eggs With Bell Peppers And Potatoes Recipe

Scrambled Eggs with Bell Peppers and Potatoes is a nutritious and delicious dish that's perfect for any meal of the day. This recipe includes bell peppers, potatoes, and nonfat fresh cheese, offering a great combination of flavors and textures.

Scrambled Eggs with Bell Peppers and Potatoes

🌎 American: Main Course

🥗 Ingredients:

  • eggs (200g)
  • bell peppers (100g)
  • potatoes (200g)
  • кисломолочний сир нежирний (200g)

🍳 How to cook (4 servings):

Cooking Time: 20 minutesPreperation Time: 15 minutes


1. Wash and dice the potatoes into small cubes. 2. Dice the bell peppers into small pieces. 3. Crumble the nonfat fresh cheese (200g).


1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add a little oil or butter. 2. Add the diced potatoes to the skillet and cook until they start to soften and turn golden brown. 3. Add the diced bell peppers and continue cooking until the vegetables are tender. 4. In a bowl, whisk the eggs and season with salt and pepper. 5. Add the whisked eggs to the skillet with the vegetables and stir gently to scramble the eggs. 6. Once the eggs are nearly cooked, fold in the crumbled nonfat fresh cheese. 7. Continue to cook until the eggs are fully set and the cheese is warmed through.


1. Serve the scrambled eggs with bell peppers, potatoes, and nonfat fresh cheese immediately. 2. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This dish provides a good source of protein, vitamin C from the bell peppers, and potassium from the potatoes. The nonfat fresh cheese adds extra protein while keeping the dish low in fat.

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