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Preserved Fish With Pickled Onions And Gherkins Recipe

This meal showcases a variety of preserved and fresh elements, creating a simple yet distinct combination of flavors that are characteristic of many traditional diets. It features small, silver-skinned fish that could be either sardines or anchovies, contributing a rich source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Accompanied by pickled red onions and gherkins, as well as fresh green onions, this meal balances the oily richness of the fish with the tangy and crisp qualities of the pickled and fresh vegetables. The preparation seems focused on preserving the natural flavors of the ingredients, potentially making it a suitable choice for those seeking a meal rich in nutritional value without heavy cooking or elaborate seasoning.

Preserved Fish with Pickled Onions and Gherkins

🌎 International: Main Course

🥗 Ingredients:

  • small oily fish (92g)
  • pickled red onions (50g)
  • gherkins (70g)
  • green onions (30g)

🍳 How to cook (4 servings):

Cooking Time: N/APreperation Time: 2 hours (mostly for pickling onions)

Serving the Preserved Fish

The fish used in this meal appears to be preserved, possibly through methods such as marinating, smoking, salting, or canning. Given the lack of clear preparation methods from the image, serving the fish in its preserved state is suggested. Arrange the small fish neatly on a plate, allowing room for the accompanying pickled and fresh vegetables.

Preparing the Pickled Onions

Thinly slice red onions and pickle them using a mixture of red wine vinegar, water, sugar, and salt. Allow the onions to marinade in this mixture for at least an hour, ideally overnight, to acquire a deep purple-pink hue and a tangy flavor. Serve a generous amount of pickled onions alongside the fish.

Adding the Pickled Cucumbers

Serve gherkins or cornichons on a separate plate. These small pickled cucumbers, typically brined with dill and garlic, add a crunchy and tangy element to the meal.

Incorporating Fresh Green Onions

Provide a bunch of fresh green onions as part of the meal. These can be served whole or chopped, depending on personal preference. Their sharp, fresh flavor complements the richness of the preserved fish and the tanginess of the pickled vegetables.

⭐️ Nutrition facts:

This meal is high in protein and healthy fats, primarily from the fish, making it an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. The pickled vegetables add a tangy flavor with minimal calories, while the fresh green onions introduce a crisp freshness with negligible caloric content. Overall, the meal is relatively low in carbohydrates, excluding any sugar in the pickling liquid.

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