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🏠 Track your food / Recipes

Recipes up to 315 calories

Baked Beans And Swiss CheeseBaked Beans And Swiss Cheese

🔥 250kcal • 🍚 30g • 🍗 15g • 🧈 8g

Pizza SlicePizza Slice

🔥 272kcal • 🍚 33g • 🍗 12g • 🧈 10g

Open-faced SandwichOpen-faced Sandwich

🔥 250kcal • 🍚 20g • 🍗 15g • 🧈 10g

Toast With Meat PateToast With Meat Pate

🔥 180kcal • 🍚 20g • 🍗 8g • 🧈 8g

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